Thursday, October 11, 2007

~Competions and Homecoming~

Saturday, September 6th was the River Falls competitions. It was really nice out and River Falls has great facilities. The horse judging team got 4th in the region and 5th overall so we'll be going to state in April. I don't have the results for the dairy and general teams yet, but when I get them I'll post results. Tuesday was the U of M invitational. It was really cold. Today after school we are decorating the parade float for tomorow. We have a cows plows and sows theme. Timmy is bringing the calf and old fashion plow and Daniel is bringing the pig. National convention is at the end of this month- if you've been asked to go ask your parents and get back to Robinson asap. Next wednesday is the corn drive and ditch clean-up. Ditch clean-up starts at 10 a.m. and the corn drive starts whenever we finish that. If you are participating in the corn drive you are asked to also be there for ditch clean-up;)

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